Canaan Walk HOA : March Meeting Reminder (in 10 days)

Yunice Patrick
Sat, Mar 10, 2018 1:41 AM

Greetings Canaan Walk Homeowners!

Join us for our first meeting of 2018!

Everyone has a voice so come out and...

  •   Meet & Greet your new neighbors (light refreshments to be served)
  •   Meet your HOA Board 
  •   Meet our City of South Fulton Councilwoman - Carmalitha L. Gumbs
  •   Share your ideas on how we come together to remain vigilant against

stolen vehicles, early morning doorbell rings, midday break-ins, stolen
delivery packages, and mail theft

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Wolf Creek Library

Room C

3:00 pm

Greetings Canaan Walk Homeowners! Join us for our first meeting of 2018! Everyone has a voice so come out and... * Meet & Greet your new neighbors (light refreshments to be served) * Meet your HOA Board * Meet our City of South Fulton Councilwoman - Carmalitha L. Gumbs * Share your ideas on how we come together to remain vigilant against stolen vehicles, early morning doorbell rings, midday break-ins, stolen delivery packages, and mail theft Sunday, March 18, 2018 Wolf Creek Library Room C 3:00 pm