Fwd: eHeadlines - Cityhood Next Step Initiative Launched

Keith Perry
Tue, Nov 15, 2016 2:43 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The People's Campaign - City of South Fulton <
Date: Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 7:00 AM
Subject: eHeadlines - Cityhood Next Step Initiative Launched
To: kperry@invictusinc.com


The City of South Fulton
The Gateway to the World!

Providing a voice to everyday citizens
Dear Keith,

The second phase of the People’s Campaign will focus on creating
Visioning/Charrette sessions, which will focus on the improvement of
service delivery for the new city of South Fulton— guides the community
through a collaborative and creative process that leads to a shared
community vision and common values.

The purpose of the various committees is to analyze the existing services
currently provided by Fulton County to residents of the new City of South
Fulton.  After which, each committee will prepare working papers with
suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the delivery of city
services, along with a set of goals and objectives for the short/long-range
development of the city. This is a community-wide initiative and everyone
is welcome to participate.

Working papers with suggestions and recommendations will be presented to
the transition team and the city’s elected officials for consideration for
review and possible action.
Click below on flyer for link to register:
The People's Campaign
[image: Facebook]
The People's Campaign - City of South Fulton | 3799 Main Street, College
Park, GA 30337
Unsubscribe kperry@invictusinc.com
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Sent by cityofsouthfulton@att.net in collaboration with
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: The People's Campaign - City of South Fulton < cityofsouthfulton@att.net> Date: Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 7:00 AM Subject: eHeadlines - Cityhood Next Step Initiative Launched To: kperry@invictusinc.com THE MESSENGER The City of South Fulton The Gateway to the World! *Providing a voice to everyday citizens* Dear Keith, The second phase of the People’s Campaign will focus on creating Visioning/Charrette sessions, which will focus on the improvement of service delivery for the new city of South Fulton— guides the community through a collaborative and creative process that leads to a shared community vision and common values. The purpose of the various committees is to analyze the existing services currently provided by Fulton County to residents of the new City of South Fulton. After which, each committee will prepare working papers with suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the delivery of city services, along with a set of goals and objectives for the short/long-range development of the city. This is a community-wide initiative and everyone is welcome to participate. Working papers with suggestions and recommendations will be presented to the transition team and the city’s elected officials for consideration for review and possible action. Click below on flyer for link to register: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mrmepEPljEhe8oCAHX_mLsYioHHmoQyQ0kbLurv8eghPSztkFbbZz-LNJTmEcwH3DzPKPh0JRCbFQ044qc9WsQl00efK8HVGI_fJ5eUDMYQvMhf2nJKREsAqb9YB8IK3eN3s3spAlQImQUbTOPkVYFEq6fEydTVb&c=w4NjjTWdbbzSQ5tMbwTVL5-Eeq8oKMiZajLrtF-AtcZt6P8kwc46Zg==&ch=6e0FOQT4v_4tiZ57Uklz3WJEHx82oXw2PLX5BQobbJ10U9h5w6yU4A==> Sincerely, The People's Campaign [image: Facebook] <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mrmepEPljEhe8oCAHX_mLsYioHHmoQyQ0kbLurv8eghPSztkFbbZz1uq3neHNfXGz9OgfpdvQn3788HMAKTxm8jMIkweoCByy31cRGrGto6CJAwhoBSZwCxGAtolwcgCi_T3B4HWOoGwuvtO0FFcxH0oyoAqiSMzrJQ3KVDTDMQ=&c=w4NjjTWdbbzSQ5tMbwTVL5-Eeq8oKMiZajLrtF-AtcZt6P8kwc46Zg==&ch=6e0FOQT4v_4tiZ57Uklz3WJEHx82oXw2PLX5BQobbJ10U9h5w6yU4A==> [image: Twitter] <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mrmepEPljEhe8oCAHX_mLsYioHHmoQyQ0kbLurv8eghPSztkFbbZz1uq3neHNfXGvRyBF-WCjH3PLz76GRSSLPnm6dJtG2fUm_zxmUA4Go8-jQ3PeKNMnfJ_TPSthx5yfFFQufk2VvTYNdsA3zIXxSZ9mDcdzPTg&c=w4NjjTWdbbzSQ5tMbwTVL5-Eeq8oKMiZajLrtF-AtcZt6P8kwc46Zg==&ch=6e0FOQT4v_4tiZ57Uklz3WJEHx82oXw2PLX5BQobbJ10U9h5w6yU4A==> [image: YouTube] The People's Campaign - City of South Fulton | 3799 Main Street, College Park, GA 30337 Unsubscribe kperry@invictusinc.com <https://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001Yny511eOu7Kmo8iRoEWHlA%3D&ch=9cc9f800-6cd3-11e6-b796-d4ae528eaf6c&ca=8a3d77d9-df28-4634-9f09-f3124746c757> Update Profile <https://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&m=001Yny511eOu7Kmo8iRoEWHlA%3D&ch=9cc9f800-6cd3-11e6-b796-d4ae528eaf6c&ca=8a3d77d9-df28-4634-9f09-f3124746c757> | About our service provider <http://www.constantcontact.com/legal/service-provider?cc=about-service-provider> Sent by cityofsouthfulton@att.net in collaboration with [image: Trusted Email from Constant Contact - Try it FREE today.] <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=nge> Try it free today <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=nge>