Greetings Canaan Walk Homeowners!
Please be informed of the following regarding Westlake HOME games:
September 14th vs Greyson
October 5th vs East Coweta (HOMECOMING)
The HOA Board is working on security at the entrance for October 5th.
Please make sure you have your Canaan Walk decal visible in your vehicle(s)
OR be prepared to show proof of residency. If you do not have a decal,
please contact Yergan Jones at .
Please be vigilant in keeping an eye out on your streets following these
game nights as teens sometimes loiter afterwards. Please utilize the
GroupMe app to give a heads up.
Thank you,
The HOA Board
Greetings Canaan Walk Homeowners!
Please be informed of the following regarding Westlake HOME games:
September 14th vs Greyson
October 5th vs East Coweta (HOMECOMING)
The HOA Board is working on security at the entrance for October 5th.
Please make sure you have your Canaan Walk decal visible in your vehicle(s)
OR be prepared to show proof of residency. If you do not have a decal,
please contact Yergan Jones at
<> .
Please be vigilant in keeping an eye out on your streets following these
game nights as teens sometimes loiter afterwards. Please utilize the
GroupMe app to give a heads up.
Thank you,
The HOA Board