---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harvey Davis harveydavis@bellsouth.net
Date: Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 9:50 PM
Subject: [Sandtown] Walton Warehouses Zoning Alive!! FYI, zoning items for
the BOC, June 7
To: sandtownmembersonly@googlegroups.com, sandtown@googlegroups.com,
Cc: bcranesr@gmail.com, commish7@bellsouth.net, daviscitycouncil@gmail.com,
electfosterrowell@att.net, mrs.chat@comcast.net, carmalitha@gmail.com,
Marvin Arrington marvin@arringtonlawfirm.com,
From: "Ellington, Morgan" Morgan.Ellington@fultoncountyga.gov
Date: April 10, 2017 at 11:33:48 AM EDT
Subject: RE: FYI, zoning items for the BOC, June 7
These five zoning items were filed last December 2016, but first had to be
reviewed by ARC and GRTA for a DRI (Development of Regional Impact). Both
ARC and GRTA have recently finished their reviews. The applicant,
therefore, has requested that the zoning requests move forward and the
County hear the petitions. Since the zoning petitions had already been
filed prior to the County’s resolution regarding cut off dates in regards
to the City’s incorporation, the Fulton County attorney’s office has said
that the zoning petitions can be heard by the County. Therefore, the five
zoning petitions have been placed on this upcoming zoning agenda.
Morgan Ellington, RLA
Senior Planner / Planning & Community Services Department
5440 Fulton Industrial Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30336
Phone 404-612-8049 <(404)%20612-8049>/ Fax: 404-612-2225 <(404)%20612-2225>
(New Fax Number)
Morgan.Ellington@FultonCountyGa.Gov Michelle.Macauley@FultonCountyGa.Gov
/ www.FultonCountyGA.gov/fcpcsd-home
Thursday, April 13, 2017 - Community Zoning Information Meeting
(Fulton County Service Center at Fulton Industrial Boulevard,
5440 Fulton Industrial Boulevard, 6 PM - 7:30 PM)
Tuesday, May 16, 2017- Community Zoning Board
(Fulton County South Service Center, 5600 Stonewall Tell Road, Starts at
6:30 PM)
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - Board of Commissioners
(Fulton County Government Center, Assembly Hall, 141 Pryor Street, Starts
at 10AM)
Morgan Ellington - 404/612-8049 <(404)%20612-8049>
Dana Gray - 404/612-7832 <(404)%20612-7832>
Tim Lampkin - 404/612-7815 <(404)%20612-7815>
Randy Beck, Director - 404/612-8053 <(404)%20612-8053>
Michelle Macauley, Assistant Director - 404/612-8052 <(404)%20612-8052>
LAST REVISED: April 10, 2017
2016Z -0014 SFC
2016VC-0025 SFC
Morgan Ellington
Fulton Industrial Boulevard (SR 70) -
MIX to C-1
Retail, convenience store with gas pumps - 16,600 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0015 SFC
2016VC-0026 SFC
Dana Gray
Kendall Park Lane -
MIX to O-I
Office Complex - 152,000 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0016 SFC
2016VC-0027 SFC
Morgan Ellington
Campbellton Road (SR 166) -
Retail/office with a fuel center - 157,231 total square feet
Multi-family - 126 units
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0017 SFC
2016VC-0028 SFC
Tim Lampkin
Fulton Industrial Boulevard (SR 70) -
MIX to M-2
Warehouse Distribution Center - 1,472,000 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0018 SFC 2016VC-0029 SFC
Tim Lampkin
Riverside Drive -
MIX to M-2
Warehouse Distribution Center - 734,000 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
Visit us on our website at http://www.sandtown.org or on our Facebook Page
at https://www.facebook.com/SandtownCommunityAssociation
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Sandtown Community Association Email Distribution.
We will miss sharing with you, but you may unsubscribe at any time by
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If your email address changes, you may unsubscribe and then re-subscribe
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harvey Davis <harveydavis@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 9:50 PM
Subject: [Sandtown] Walton Warehouses Zoning Alive!! FYI, zoning items for
the BOC, June 7
To: sandtownmembersonly@googlegroups.com, sandtown@googlegroups.com,
Cc: bcranesr@gmail.com, commish7@bellsouth.net, daviscitycouncil@gmail.com,
electfosterrowell@att.net, mrs.chat@comcast.net, carmalitha@gmail.com,
Marvin Arrington <marvin@arringtonlawfirm.com>,
*From:* "Ellington, Morgan" <Morgan.Ellington@fultoncountyga.gov>
*Date:* April 10, 2017 at 11:33:48 AM EDT
*Subject:* *RE: FYI, zoning items for the BOC, June 7*
These five zoning items were filed last December 2016, but first had to be
reviewed by ARC and GRTA for a DRI (Development of Regional Impact). Both
ARC and GRTA have recently finished their reviews. The applicant,
therefore, has requested that the zoning requests move forward and the
County hear the petitions. Since the zoning petitions had already been
filed prior to the County’s resolution regarding cut off dates in regards
to the City’s incorporation, the Fulton County attorney’s office has said
that the zoning petitions can be heard by the County. Therefore, the five
zoning petitions have been placed on this upcoming zoning agenda.
*Morgan Ellington, RLA*
*Senior Planner / Planning & Community Services Department*
5440 Fulton Industrial Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30336
Phone 404-612-8049 <(404)%20612-8049>/ Fax: 404-612-2225 <(404)%20612-2225>
(New Fax Number)
Morgan.Ellington@FultonCountyGa.Gov <Michelle.Macauley@FultonCountyGa.Gov>
/ www.FultonCountyGA.gov/fcpcsd-home
*Thursday, April 13, 2017 - Community Zoning Information Meeting*
*(Fulton County Service Center at Fulton Industrial Boulevard,*
*5440 Fulton Industrial Boulevard, 6 PM - 7:30 PM)*
*Tuesday, May 16, 2017- Community Zoning Board*
*(Fulton County South Service Center, 5600 Stonewall Tell Road, Starts at
6:30 PM)*
*Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - Board of Commissioners*
*(Fulton County Government Center, Assembly Hall, 141 Pryor Street, Starts
at 10AM)*
Morgan Ellington - 404/612-8049 <(404)%20612-8049>
Dana Gray - 404/612-7832 <(404)%20612-7832>
Tim Lampkin - 404/612-7815 <(404)%20612-7815>
Randy Beck, Director - 404/612-8053 <(404)%20612-8053>
Michelle Macauley, Assistant Director - 404/612-8052 <(404)%20612-8052>
LAST REVISED: April 10, 2017
2016Z -0014 SFC
2016VC-0025 SFC
Morgan Ellington
Fulton Industrial Boulevard (SR 70) -
MIX to C-1
Retail, convenience store with gas pumps - 16,600 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0015 SFC
2016VC-0026 SFC
Dana Gray
Kendall Park Lane -
MIX to O-I
Office Complex - 152,000 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0016 SFC
2016VC-0027 SFC
Morgan Ellington
Campbellton Road (SR 166) -
Retail/office with a fuel center - 157,231 total square feet
Multi-family - 126 units
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0017 SFC
2016VC-0028 SFC
Tim Lampkin
Fulton Industrial Boulevard (SR 70) -
MIX to M-2
Warehouse Distribution Center - 1,472,000 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
2016Z -0018 SFC 2016VC-0029 SFC
Tim Lampkin
Riverside Drive -
MIX to M-2
Warehouse Distribution Center - 734,000 square feet
Walton Georgia LLC et al
Lemuel H. Ward
404-527-4077 <(404)%20527-4077>
Visit us on our website at http://www.sandtown.org or on our Facebook Page
at https://www.facebook.com/SandtownCommunityAssociation
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Sandtown Community Association Email Distribution.
We will miss sharing with you, but you may unsubscribe at any time by
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If your email address changes, you may unsubscribe and then re-subscribe
with your new email. or explore other options, by visiting this group at
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Sandtown Community Association" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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